Negroni Talk #5 – 15th October 2018

Archi-speak: Time To Kill The Jargon ?

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If practicing architecture wasn’t difficult enough, it doesn’t help that the majority of people have no idea what it actually means. This is not completely surprising as it is a complex and multifaceted profession but the language often used to describe projects can seem elitist and indecipherable. Most buildings in our cities play a role in public life, so why do so many architects resort to alienating archi-speak? Should designers rely on PR and marketing people to ‘dumb down’ their complex ideas? What’s wrong with having a technical language for an equally technical industry?


Hugh Permian, RIBA Journal (chair)
Holly Lewis, We Made That
Patrick Lynch, Lynch Architects
David Ogunmuyiwa, ArchitectureDoingPlace
Ike Ijeh, Assemble Media Group Ltd
Maria Fedorchenko, Architectural Association

On the night…..